Football and Remembrance Culture

With the project “Zahor – Remembering for the Future”, the alliance partners are pursuing the goal of (digitally) depicting Jewish life in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region and in the Kraichgau – then as now, to build bridges from the past to the present and to break down prejudices through interreligious and cross-generational dialogue and to anchor Judaism as an integral part of German culture through workshops, commemorative events, and encounter projects for young football fans who are encouraged to actively participate and are made aware of the issue of culture of remembrance and Judaism. The local Jewish communities and football clubs are actively involved in the events; With the Hoffenheim fan project and other regional associations, the Office for Remembrance Culture and the Agency for Jewish Culture will be holding interactive workshops lasting several days with young football fans on “Remembrance Culture and Football”. In addition to the already existing film “Zahor – Remember Yourself”, a short film about Jewish life in the region is being developed; The young people are actively involved: At Café Zahor, a meeting event with Jewish community members, they interview participants, for example, about questions they have about Jewish life and commemoration; the results are incorporated into the film. In workshops, they create multimedia formats, such as online exhibitions, comics or short films about Jewish footballers, or find more imaginative forms of expression (graffiti, double holders, stickers) to make Jewish life in the clubs visible.


project results

No projects available yet.


Article on Zahor Pressing 2nd february 2021, radio channel bermuda.funk